Experienced marketing executive – leadership – content strategist

Brand direction and assets production

In today’s complex and intertwined world, it’s not enough for a brand to have good tone of voice guidelines and a visual identity. A brand needs to stand for something greater. As brand leaders, we need to understand how our brand fits in to a world driven by powerful social movements, climate change, and rapid technological development.

For Tuxera, I worked with Creative Director, Jennifer Pajula, as well as Art Director, Jukka Malkamäki – to develop and share the brand story in the context of the age we live in, as well as one that made sense to our customers. Tuxera is the protector of data accessibility, longevity, and accessiblity in this modern era of the data-driven everything.

The brand research and creative work we did culminated in essential brand tools defining our brand purpose, promise, vision, and positioning. I share here a few results of this brand work. The vidoes were produced by Brink Helsinki, scripted by myself, with the creative concept and direction from Jen and Jukka.

That said, we cannot overlook the importance of other brand tools such as tone of voice guidelines. These become the cornerstone of good content strategies.

As the term suggests, a brand’s tone of voice defines how communications from the brand will “sound” to its audiences. Earlier in my career, as a senior copywriter, I was a joint designer and contributor to tone of voice projects for our clients.

When I came to Tuxera in 2016 as their Content Manager, I worked with the marketing and sales teams to redefine their tone of voice and create solid guidelines for consistent communications.

Tuxera brand video 2020

Production studio: Brink Helsinki. Script: Sagan Rossi. Creative direction: Jukka Malkamäki.

Tuxera high-performance data storage management software

Video production: Brink Helsinki. Script: Sagan Rossi. Creative direction: Jennifer Pajula.

Tuxera reliable data storage management software - data and system integrity

Video production: Brink Helsinki. Script: Sagan Rossi. Creative concept: Jennifer Pajula.

Tuxera storage management software maximizes flash lifetime and endurance

Video production: Brink Helsinki. Script: Sagan Rossi. Creative concept: Jennifer Pajula.

Powering our digital world: Tuxera's mission to ensure data reliability, accessibility, & longevity

Video production and creative concept: TBD Media. Interview script and talking points: Sagan Rossi and Kerri McConnell. Director: Sagan Rossi. Creative direction: Jennifer Pajula.

Tuxera tone of voice and copy guidelines

Tuxera tone of voice and copy guidelines
