Experienced marketing executive – leadership – content strategist

Videos and scripts

Videos are a spectacular way to engage, delight, or educate your audience – and an integral part of any content marketing program. Here are just a few samples of some of the videos I have planned, scripted, appeared in, or helped produce.

Tuxera Brand Video

Why do file systems, flash management, and file sharing software matter? Because we live in an age of data-driven everything. Where data loss means loss of precious moments, loss of device functionality, or even risk to mission-critical operations. That's why Tuxera sees ourselves as the protector of data integrity and longevity. And it's why our storage software makes sure your data is stored rapidly and safely for the long-haul.

Tuxera high-performance data storage management software

Video production: Brink Helsinki. Script: Sagan Rossi. Creative direction: Jennifer Pajula.

Tuxera reliable data storage management software - data and system integrity

Video production: Brink Helsinki. Script: Sagan Rossi. Creative direction: Jennifer Pajula.

Tuxera storage management software maximizes flash lifetime and endurance

Video production: Brink Helsinki. Script: Sagan Rossi. Creative direction: Jennifer Pajula.

Automotive data storage and handling-now in 2018, the future, the challenges, and the risks

This was a series of short interviews we did with several companies at an important industry event. The intent was to show that Tuxera as a company is aware of industry trends and hot topics in the automotive industry. It was also made into a blog post, promoted in social media, and promoted in the social media of the featured companies. It gave our company a lot of exposure, and we still use it when we’re attending other events, and in lead nurturing.

How to install Tuxera NTFS for Mac 2018 with Mojave support

Here’s the installation tutorial for Tuxera NTFS for Mac, which I scripted and appeared in. The intent of the video is to both promote downloads of the product and instruct users how to install it.

How to add or write files to an NTFS drive using a Mac

Here’s a tutorial I did teaching people about what Tuxera NTFS for Mac software does and how to use it. This video is used on the website to show users how easy it is to use and what they can do with the software. This is also a topic that is good for SEO and brand awareness.

How to format USB drives to NTFS on a Mac with Tuxera Disk Manager

This is a tutorial I scripted and appeared in to show users how to use an important add-on included with the Tuxera NTFS for Mac software. This is also a topic that is good for SEO and brand awareness.